Thursday 30 June 2011

New Mini-Series: Female Gaming: Interview 1: Ditty-Kitty

My first mini-series for the North Signal is... Female Gaming! This is a mini-series, made up of several interviews (undecided on how many). The first interview is with an officer of probably the largest all-female clan, Femme Fatale, who is known as 'Ditty-Kitty'. So, here it is: my first interview and post on The North Signal

1. Well first off, Hello, and thanks for joining us. Well we know you are a Officer of [ F ], when did you first hear about [ F ] and what was your first reaction?
1. Well, I met MsFlashBang (the clan leader) in December 2010. It was after a game of Domination (on the game MAG). She asked me to join [ F ] and thats how I found out. I was so excited to know there was so many girls playing!

2. What is it like being in [ F ]? Do you think you play like any other clan?
2. It's great, the girls are fun, good and we work great as a team. We all work together great, so yes, as well as any other well as any functioning clan does.

3. How long have you been playing with [ F ] and what has made you stay there?
3. I have been at [ F ] for 7 months, and the teamwork, the girls and I really am proud to be in [ F ]. Estrogen Power!

4. In-Game, when people realise your a girl, do they treat you any differently?
4. People usually make fun of my name (Ditty-Kitty), but usually after they realize I can carry my weight (do good) they stop. Most off the time I get treated like every other bluedot (friendly) does.

5. There aren't many games that have playable female characters. Do you think that every game should have playable female characters? 
5. That is a total dissapointment, I think more games should have playable females and hopefully someday this happens.

6. Duke Nukem Forever has been critized for what happens in the game involving women. They has also been a Woman Rights campaign against it. Would you join in the campaign or would you be happy to play the game the way it is?
6. I would play the games as it is. I am all for woman rights but when it comes to game and stuff, I don't want them censored. I say, you don't like what happens in a game, don't play it.

7. How long have you been gaming and what was the first game you played?
7. I have been playing games regularly since I was 4. My first game was Super Mario 3.

8. What appeals to you most in gaming?
8. I have a lot of fun gaming, the great stories, it's competitive, social. What's not to love? My favorite is how competitive it is.

9. Who do you think are better are gaming: Men or Women and why?
9. I don't think enough women gamers are on the scene yet, to compare to men. I am all for women gamers but men out number woman in games 10x over. I mean I am rooting for woman to out game men, but for right now I would have to say men just because they out number woman by so much.

10. What do you prefer: The Xbox 360, PS3 or Nintendo Wii, and why?
10. I am going to say Nintendo is my all time favorite console, I am and always will be loyal to Nintendo, I grew up with them. But for online gaming, PS3 all the way. I like Nintendo, because they are innovative and new, never scared to go  out the norm. They are just lacking in he online and 3rd Party support. As for the PS3, I love the online and they have great support.

Thanks for joining us, and have a great gaming career.
Your welcome, and thanks for the interview!

And that's a wrap for interview one!! When will the second one be posted?

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