Wednesday 29 June 2011

buddha's rosary

This is probably one of the most interesting topics that I discovered many years ago.

Until now we have talked about our mind and our essence; but still we need to dig more about them and you will notice that those are the basis on which the rest of the concepts will land at the end.

Well, let’s start….
If we already established that our mind is something outside our physical body and brain, and it is complemented by our essence which will unify and become a soul at some point; having agreed with that: don’t you think that those two should have more years of existence than our physical body? There are so many thing we know that were not learned here in this world!
For example, is there any occasion in your life where you felt you already went through something or visit a place even if it’s the first time? (Déjà vu ), or when you meet someone you feel like you already know this person and you realize that this person shares many things in common with you, why is that!?
It is simpler than you imagine actually…. Mmmm Not really! I was kidding; the concept we are about to talk is one of the most (not the most but one of them) complex and controversial topics in the list, and will require you to keep an OPEN MIND!!! So, bear with me and allow your MIND and ESSENCE understand it.

The mind and essence are our real being and they combined together have a name you know?
Our real name.. not this name given by our parents to our physical body; This real name was the one given by our creator; you can find this type of concept in many other cultures and religions around the world like Buddhism, Masonic Gnostic, Dogon/Shinto, Hinduism, Rosicrucian, Maya, Inca and Aztec; all of them believed in our real name, all of them fight across their lives to find their truth BEING and in that way to have a direct connection with GOD, during their journey they also discovered two powerful concepts: Evolution and Involution, but more interesting they also believed in the reincarnation, so among many spiritual manuscripts those cultures explained that the reincarnation can be in both direction an evolutionary reincarnation or an Involutionary reincarnation.

Among all the species in the universe there are ones that are evolving and there are others that are involving, and to add more complexity to this two concepts, all these cultures and religions also discovered that inside of each species are individuals that are evolving and others that are not (involving). Sounds complex eh!?... the first time I went through all this I felt my brain (the brain not the mind) crashing trying to understand this new concept.

Well, for now we already know that our real being have many more years than our physical body, AND!!! More important that our BEING has been in many other physical bodies and species during all its existence!! Impressive conclusion don’t you think?.. well yes, but hold on, that means that I in my previous life could be a dog!?, or a fish?, OR a ROCK?... well is not that simple and is not a disorganize evolution/involution process after all; the evolution process takes many thousands of years going from the simplest form of existence to the more complex (human in our case), let’s see it in this way (I’ll keep it as simple as I can): when our BEING was born (our very first existence) was not deployed into a human vehicle immediately, it was necessary a maturation process, BUT that Being was not allocated (linked) directly to that previous vehicle, instead of that our being existed in other place or dimension just linked at certain level with this vehicles, this allowed our being to be aware of certain things, like time, day and night…etc. simple things, this will be the case to be linked to a plant for example, but as the learning process starts to demand more knowledge our BEING goes from this simple organism to another one more complex, let’s say a dog, then at this point the link between the being and this new body gets more complex, and we will see things like emotions, sadness, happiness, love, anger…etc. So our Being starts to learn more about all these new concepts and is able to interact with the world in a more palpable way than before but that level is not enough. The link between our being and our human vehicle is the ultimate link because we feel not only emotion, we receive enlightenment, we are intelligent, we are able to discover or invent new theories, we can analyze them, correct them, share them…etc. and it is here where our real BEING has the opportunity to achieve 100% of perfection, to become a superior BEING, a Light master, an Angel, a Demon.. depending of what culture/religion are we investigating the names for this reached level changes, but the objective is the same, to become pure and part of GOD.

So, how many chances do we have to achieve this objective, this is the easy part, and the answer is on the Buddha’s rosary… 108 opportunities!!!, our BEING has being linked to each vehicle 108 times on each species; make some numbers to see the importance of this. We are pretty old right?... to jump from one species to another takes 108 recurrences. That means we have only 108 reincarnations as humans to achieve the perfection and after that we will need to wait a lot of time (thousand of centuries) to be able to be linked into a vehicle (equivalent to our current human body) that allow us to achieve that objective again. That is the reason why we need to setup a clear target in our life, white or black but no grey, we need to evolve not to involve!!, MEN of GOOD, MEN of LIGHT.

All these cultures/religions were aware of that, they discovered the 108 recurrences that our being has to go through each vehicle, and yet more important they realized that the opportunity to cut that cycle and reach perfection is while your BEING is linked into a human body, Yes this belief system says that if our BEING reaches the perfection the cycle will be broken and a no other vehicle is needed for the eternity; Brilliant!.
The question that comes to my mind now is: Why all this was forgotten?
Why all the humans are spending their lives without knowing this and why they are not aware of what is our real objective?
Did we covered all this on purpose?.

To finish this chapter, the last piece of information coming from one of the Buddha manuscripts says that most of us are living their last recurrences, this means that a big part of these BEINGs are between the recurrence 100 and 105, so the chances that we have to reach perfection are about to end. Nevertheless I would say to you: Don’t waste your time, don’t be afraid to try new things, don’t give up yet until your last heart beat, take those last 8 or 3 lives left and do something good with them!.

I’ll see you on my next lives!.
-From a Buddhist point of view, the actual experience of death is very important. Although how or where we will be reborn is generally dependent on karmic forces, our state of mind at the time of death can influence the quality of our next rebirth. So at the moment of death, in spite of the great variety of karmas we have accumulated, if we make a special effort to generate a virtuous state of mind, we may strengthen and activate a virtuous karma, and so bring about a happy rebirth.-
- the Dalai Lama-


  1. Okay... I have been giving this one some thought.
    First i would like to say your insights on involution are brilliant. I suggest anyone not familiar with this concept at least give it a wiki. It is some really deep stuff, and seems to carry a lot of weight to me.
    The connection of the concept of the beads and the phases of this spiritual / whole growth was excellent. It reminds me of discussions I have had in the past about processional numbers (stellar procession) and geographically/seasonally significant numbers appearing repeatedly in the mythological records.
    I also found your take on animal intelligence to be fascinating. It reminds me of certain Franciscan traditions, and also those of the lowland Maya / Olmec groups - but modernized. Kudos my friend. If you ever get about to writing a serious memoirs, I strongly suggest you include those ideas; codify them for posterity's sake! At the very least if someone reads them in 1000 years, they can deduce we were not ALL sitting here brain-dead :P Someone WAS thinking about interesting and profoundly important things in the 21st century AD.

    Here is where my intuition differs, ever so slightly, in principle to these thoughts. It may be only a matter of degree, or even illusory. But here goes.
    Those 108 cycles you write of, in my view, can vary in quantity and intensity, depending on the individual to be produced/created.
    I also think they are related in a completely extensional way - that is OUTSIDE of time and space; irrespective of these limitations.
    So to be brutally ad reducto / simple: I would say we have ONE life(s) and we live out ALL it's potentialities in various forms. We ALL have one life, but it is in many places and times, forms and possibilities. It exists scattered across and is independent of the Cosmos.
    That self realization, whether through philosophical, religious, or purely transcendental means is the realization/genesis of the immortal self, or 'soul'.
    The synthesis I see is a coming together of the components you have described as 'mind' and 'intuition', that form the 'soul'. [Excellent terminology, btw - very easy to follow and reason with!]
    This synthesis allows the realized individual combine with the other potential self(s) at the moment we call 'death'.
    I do not see this as a matter of 'past lives', as the past and future are only relative WITHIN the time stream. So without time, all these aspects of the self, all these potentials are simply there ex nihilo. Created and formed to function, for ever written into the 'future' and the 'past'. A a self guided quantum generating independent potentiality is now existent. It's nature means it simply IS.
    So many lives? No. Many experiences? YES!
    I see them as the same life reaching out to complete itself. Spreading out like branches of a great tree into time and space. The branches grow and experience where it is good, and snap and wither were it is not. Eventually it blooms, and even brings forth fruit.
    The fruit that tree eventually bears is not within this world/cosmos as we perceive and understand it. It's purpose is for the most part beyond us. There are a few fascinating 'hints' in our mythology and even propensity for altruism, many have to do with morality and 'goodness'...
    Fascinating stuff, Aken, Hope that made some sense. Sorry i took so long to post it. I wrote it up last week, just remembered to post it today and then saw all the errors and syntax :P
    So... had to edit! Anyway my 2 cents!

  2. Hey mate, I have never replay this post formally, because since the day you wrote it I have been trying to prove your thoughts, you actually put a lot of work to me mate! XD.

    after 6 months I'm still trying to prove it, I have read a lot of manuscripts trying to find something to allow me to exclude the time and space constants from the equation, and I in fact went back to some old practices to try to figure it out by myself; the news are not good, I'm still without results.

    I have to say that your point of view is really interesting, captivating and really challenging for me.

    Impressive answer to my post, but of course I wasn't expecting nothing less coming from you my friend.


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