Wednesday 22 June 2011

It is easier to just be STUPID

Does your brain get tired trying to figure out all these deep and complex issues we face today?
Are there challenges to you beliefs, do they make it hard for you to converse with other people who think differently than you?
Are all these politicians talking about boring stuff?
Do 'old' people piss you off?
Why not just go with the flow and be STUPID?
It is easier to be stupid than EVER!
Just think about it (not too much): We can't ALL be smart can we?
And if we are all to be equal, we must all be STUPID! DUH!
But how do we get there?
Well, let's start with redefining stupid, in fact let's avoid that word at first.
We will start using 'ignorance' and 'ignorant' as an insult. Ignorance, we will say is the REAL problem. Ignorance is why people do bad things..right? I mean if I did not know there was cops who are against theft or murder, I might just steal and kill right? So, people who are ignorant are bad guys, but only BEFORE they get to see all the stuff we have and learn the rules...right?
So stupid is just the same ignorant now. And we are ALL ignorant in some way.
Next we need to do a little work on our language.
It is too complicated for many ignorant people, and we don't want them left behind – so we must dumb down our language too! Why use so many big words, when the ignorant folks wont understand? The idea is complex you say? Then SIMPLIFY it! “The war in Afghanistan is dragging on” becomes “War is bad”. The “Taliban are fighting a fierce ideological war” becomes “The ragheads are bad”...see? It's easy! How about “that guy is brilliant at maths” to “fucking nerd”? Or “what an athlete! If he could only get his grades up” becomes “Jock”. These words and ideas all existed before, true – but now they can replace the BIG words and ideas, instead of enhancing them (sorry BIG word!).
See you brain is more relaxed already!
Okay so some words, we can change. How about our lifestyles? I mean if we keep running into these 'smart' people, wont they make us feel .... er.... not so smart? Sure! So how do we get past this?
Well, let's let the machines help us there. They can be smart for us!
Those smart guys invented machines that can make us ALL look like we know what we are talking about -even correct our spelling, and if we start to, we can just turn it off, or redirect the browser to another place that is more friendly. 'Debate' is now an open-to-all argument, and the majority can easily drown out the minority – even if they could be right!
Those guys in Castles who had a big Church with guys in Hoodies and red-hot pipes did it! The guys with the Camels do it, so why can't we? Must be ignorance. We will learn to do that too! In the mean-time we can call the people who disagree names and bully them. We could even make up new names for bullying and insulting – like 'flaming' when it's done on the web, and maybe 'dissing' when face to face. Yo! I like it!
What about Uni you say? What if I go to college, how can I still take the easy STUPID route?
NO PROBLEM. Everyone gets a pass now that we are all stupid.
We have for a long time. Even your prof will most likely ACT stupid, even if he was born with that 'smart' disability! If he doesn't – if he asks questions instead of giving you the answer – he will be in trouble! Besides, they way it is set up now is you just all pretend to agree – even if you don't understand. Acceptance is more important that understanding!
Sure, you may have to head to France or Europe or whatever its called, as they are always way ahead of us backwards rednecks. Sure they may talk funny, but they sure know how to be STUPID! They have even found ways to be stupid with BIG words! That is like the space-atom-bomb of DUMB!
Okay, I know what you're going to say now (NO! 'Not cuz I am smart! I just have the internet!') that the country or culture thing will get in the way. No worries there my fellow cretins! The 'nation' and 'culture' are just dumb old things. THIS is the 21st century, and only ignorant people don't understand that the future is always better because their is more science and stuff. Culture is just stupid clothes, and we can make our own up – like 'thug' and 'Emo'. Holidays you say? Just a reason to get intoxicated and eat. Who cares what they 'mean'? Some dead dude jumps out of hole? So what? Some jerk has a revolution, so what? Some slaves got let loose, so WHAT? Let's get drunk and fuck yo. Opera? Fuck THAT – titty bar time!
Besides, Nations are a thing of the past, anyway right? They just have wars and stuff, and get in the way of contest rules. I mean, fuck I can't enter to win an ipod from China so WTF? I mean soon enough we will have spaceships and robots and they will stop all that stuff. We all know America is bad and stuff.
And what about the OLD people. Never mind them. They will all die soon. If they don't want to be STUPID, the thing to do is ignore them, and maybe even help them along. Some of them even shit their pants, yo!
I mean what did they do anyway? Just started wars and stuff. They had all those years and they never even had gaming consoles – that is ignorant! Besides their music sucks.
So, don't let the meaning of life, war, politics, science, philosophy, art, or poetry get you down, that stuff will all be explained by 'scientists' who specialize in STUPID!
Remember people: You can't all be smart, and you want to fit in, so even if you are unlucky enough to be 'smart' - it is WAY easier to just act STUPID.
Remember this one point, where it ALL starts: You are all that is important, and nothing exists but what you can see and agree with – and you are HOME-FREE STUPID!

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