Wednesday 27 July 2011

What or WHO is this 'Science'?

Science! SCIENCE!
What a profound word that is. A LOADED word like 'nature', 'world', 'child', 'love', or even to some degree like 'God'. It is a word we here used all the time. 'The science behind this...' or 'according to modern science', or even 'thanks to science', spoke like a prayer of Grace or thanks*. I have even heard, recently, the most ridiculous yet, in a kids game called 'Portal 2'. 'You saved science', says one of the most irritating fictional robots in the history of scifi. 'Saved' it, eh? Must be alive too!
'Science' is everywhere.
It seems often times people are calling his name, not talking about the method I am thinking of .Who or what is this much invoked person or principle?
Science, as I think of it, is the attempt to make useful categories of knowledge about the universe we experience and sense (feel, see, smell, touch, and otherwise perceive). It is information gained by inductive experimentation and research and is embodied by Bacon's Method. When I think of science, I think of men like Newton. What is it's purpose/function? Science's only purpose is to better the life of the people who pay for /support it. There is no such thing as 'for the sake of science' or 'saving science' to me, as science is not a living thing. But real PROXIMATE science, my science -  is useful.
For example, there is medical science. Medical science is funded by governments and taxpayers to research cures, preventatives, palliatives, surgeries, etc etc for the good of the public. The Doctors of Medicine make an oath like  Judge, Soldier, Lord, or Police officer. They declared their scientific ideology for all to see. Any doctor who violates this oath is no Doctor at all.
So what about other types of scientists? Well, they may swear allegiance for a club or board. They may make arbitrary oaths to various groups of peers, but nothing like the physicians do, and even the Hippocratic oath has been watered down in recent years; which is in itself a very nasty indicator of things to come.
Do Astronomers need a binding oath and laws to back it? Chemists? Geologists? Fossil hunters? Diggers of Ruins? Collectors of bugs?
Maybe - Maybe not. Maybe these studies are apolitical and remote enough that they don't. I don't see why an oath would hurt, but I cannot see the immediateness in the need.
But what about (nuclear/particle) physicists? What about microbiologists? What about ballistics engineers? Robotics engineers? Genetic engineers? Social Engineers? 
These new 'disciplines' all hold the potential to be both extremely dangerous and beneficial. What happens if they are USED by power hungry minds to fuel movements and broader ideologies?
The answer has been, and no doubt will be, catastrophic.
This leads me to another thought: Academic Hybridization.
There are many pseudo sciences (fake, semi-scientific metaphysical pursuits) masquerading as 'hybrid' studies in today's academe.  They are actually philosophies/ideals with an academic stake or axe to grind. They are usually materialistic/naturalistic ideals, but there has been more than a few theological based ones over the centuries. They are always about power.
A popular 19th and 20th century one was called 'social Darwinism', and was advocated by the Nazis in Germany and Eugenicists world wide. Social Darwinism was the ideal behind the the horrific holocaust of the handicapped in the Third Reich. Designed to save the Aryan race (The idealized European in Nazi eyes) from a some imaginary decline into idiocy and foreign dominance, this disgusting embrace of cold barbarism was justified by declaring the sky was falling. A socially engineered problem (declining birth rates etc) was shown to be an indicator of an impending cultural apocalypse, and the social engineers stepped in to fix it. They broke the system and it was reformed in a new and horrific one.  They did not do this all at once, but drip fed the ideas to the public for years through the media and education systems. They used the academe to deliver their ideas to the masses.
People today blame these horrors on Hitler, a mere facilitator and figure head, but the men/women and ideas who committed the atrocities were already in place, for decades. The efficient systems for killing they created, in turn, facilitated the Nazi's racial genocides.But  before the Jews and gypsies and long after: People rounded up and 'put down' because of 'idiocy' or 'defects', like a lost limb or blindness (or homosexuality). Others, more useful to the state, were simply sterilized against their will and/or locked in 'asylums'. 
You think we would learn to at least avoid this garbage, wouldn't you? I mean, after WWII and all that hell.
At least how they sell it?
No such luck.
In 2011 AD we see the creep of the very same pseudo science. Not only alive, but thriving.
Now under the new, PC, consumer friendly repackaging. Now it is 'Evolutionary Psychology'. Well just about any outfit that tries to sell as 'Evolutionary- anything'...
You know the lobby?
The one with the guys who say you are nothing more than a brain? The ones who say 'morality, even consciousness is all an illusion' (you're imagining your imagination). Love, beauty, art, even altruism is all instincts to these folks; evolved from behaviour patterns that help us survive.
Survive for what?To replicate.
For what/why? Because shit happens! (how PROFOUND)
The supernatural you say? Just illusions and delusions.
Purpose? None.
I find this hard to reconcile with reality! That's because you're stupid and probably have some disorder. other than being arrogant, depressing and banal / boring as all hell, and being built on assumption rather than science; what do these Evolutionary Psychologists have in common with Social Darwinism?
First off they base their ideas on Darwinian natural selection models: The fittest survive.
Also,both groups are CONVINCED they have it all figured out; and I mean ALL. Origins.The soul. Life/death. ALL of it.
These folks make the Pope look like a dithering agnostic.
All you have to do is read their 'stuff' to get it.  You'll quickly find the sky is falling again.
Oh yes! There is something going on and we need to let them fix it for us. The tale goes like something like
 'It seems that some unknown group of minds  (usually portrayed as Christian & Conservative) has allowed progress to run rampant and pollute the planet. Millions of tonnes of junk have been produced for landfill. Our oceans are getting billions of gallons of shit dumped in them, there is too much fuel burning, and the atmosphere is hot and toxic in many places it wasn't. So what do we do? We must summon the wise scientists and they will help us breed new seeds that can take the pollution and waste."So we are told to go to the men who got us INTO this mess to get us OUT. Having been shot, to seek the gunman for a cure. Okay, I don't buy it, but let's follow that rabbit down the hole.
So? What is this 'way out'? For most of us, the obvious answer would seem to be a reversal of course. To turn some aspects about. To temper our personal ambitions. To rush a little less, to live a little more.
Eat a little less, use less fuel, recycle, grow our own food, and maybe spend a little more time in the real world with people we love. We didn't ask for a lot of this 'stuff', and we are more than happy to do without. I mean I like big Mac's, but you don't have to burn Brazil so I can have one. I'll cook my own burger. I like the internet nice and fast, but you don't have to fill the air with microwaves to do it.
It is only 'stuff', after all.
Other people, love and immaterial things are what most people find important in life.
Not these guys.
Progress must continue in the straight line form for them. We must advance for the sake of 'science'!
There can by no cycles, nor altering of course. We MUST progress!
We must alter nature's design's to our course, in this thinking. Biologically, we must change the genes of plants and animals (even ourselves) to suite our increasingly degraded environments. It may kill off the natural creatures and even change the environment completely , but we will deal with that the 'science becomes available'. New worlds will appear for us to devour and use for 'progress'.
Progress towards WHAT?
This mad logic is extended to man, in Evolutionary Psychology.
Man is simply a product of his environment and can be made to fit into an efficient one, it is argued. There are many natural behaviours that can lead to fulfilment, we are told by the EP crowd. Not all of them are current. Some of the current ones are now deemed 'outmoded'. Like Marriage or parenthood for example. Other behaviours could be perhaps re-awakened for the enjoyment of the masses. Some of these behaviours may make living in a purposeless, overcrowded, culture-less,  polluted hell-hole better; well, that is the argument.
Now, eat your GM lunch and LIKE it, Citizen!
What could these new future freedoms look like? Well drugged out, of course! Promiscuous, definitely!
But there's more; much more.
Dr Singer, perhaps the most famous evolutionary psychologist and advocate of this pseudo science, has made arguments in favour of 'post natal abortion' (up to 3 years of age) and 'animal human' sexual relations as natural, but suppressed behaviours. There is no application of morality to infanticide or bestiality, rather a genetic advantage to keeping that behaviour in a 'back up' capacity...currently.
Obviously NOTHING is off the table in securing the happiness of a futurist Utopia.
Problems? Never mind, 'science' will solve the ALL.
Could it be that these folks really believe that much in this mystical person of science they feel an answer MUST be forthcoming to all their problems?
Whatever there reasoning it does not sound like the science I know and enjoy. It sounds like a faith in matter, in solids and liquids and gasses to resolve themselves in favour of the the 'scientist' invoking 'science'.
The correct term for these folks is not Atheist, Darwinist, Naturalist, or Evolutionary this or that, it is Materialists; Promissory Materialists to be precise. All the former terms are descriptives of types, not nature. They are sub categories of the same faith.
The word for what they do is not 'science' it is tautology. They tell stories about OTHER people's science and research. Stories about a past they cannot begin to fathom, and a future they cannot possibly know.
Their motive? Tools don't have motives, they are simply used by those with motives.
Like the Social Darwinists of the 20th century the Evolutionary Psychologists (and even many Biologists) of the 21st are being used to forward an agenda loaded with scientific pretensions. In order to set up this faith in technology and the future, the word and idea 'science' has been transformed into a semi-religious, ideologically pregnant concept. Science must now be saved, and can now save us. If Science is used correctly it can save people, feed the hungry, and cure illness.
"Science save us all from the wrath of the South Men!"?
So Where is He? This Science? Maybe we are just imagining him in our imaginary imaginations.
Make sense?
Not for I. I will continue to rely on HUMANS and living beings for my welfare, and pray to a Creator known to my ancestors since time immemorial. I will have faith that if life should stumble, or fall - it will rise again; That there is a purpose and meaning to life, no matter how mysterious. And, of course, that 'science' is a method and means (if limited) to understand our world, not it's meaning.

*Much less rarely do we hear the honest 'scientists think/speculate', or 'scientists think that one day...'. 
Even then, many times the 'scientists' that are quoted they are nothing of the sort. They are researchers with a theory.

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